Dear Friends
It is with sadness mixed with appreciation and happy memories of a decade working in the fashion distribution field, that we have to announce the closings of the Duomo Showroom as you know it.
Some of the Tokyo team took over the space and are now working on a new showroom under different name, company and directions.
You should check it out next time your in Tokyo.
As to our loved brands you can find them all and contact them directly and we will be happy to assist in any contact you many need.
Many of you where with us from the very beginning some of you joined over the years. It is with full heart we like to thank each of you for your kind collaboration and support and to wish you all the best in the future.
Some of you may not know that our company DUOMO CO.,LTD is a Kyoto base embroidery factory and nowadays the proud home of "Kyo-to-to" embroidery and gifts brand.
We make high quality embroidery products consisting with Japanese culture and tradition.
In Feb 2013 we opened our flag ship shop in Kyoto and we are scheduled to open a second shop in Ginza Tokyo. Already stocked at many grate shops in Japan and around the world, we make OEM projects and collaborating with museum shops like the "Kyoto National Museum".and SFT at the "National Art Center Tokyo" and recently working on a new project with the "Singapore Art Museum"
You can better check what we do on our web site: and join our FB page for future updates:
Our future goal is to continue pioneering this market in Japan and abroad.
If any of you are interested in such products or we are surly happy to assist and continue working together with you.
For any inquiry you can always contact me at my usual address.
Thanks again for a fine and memorable 10 years. We hope to meet you all again in the near future.
Kind Regards
Roy & Duomo.,Co Ltd